Evanesce (The Darkness #2) Page 4
Despite all her instincts telling her not to ask, Brooke couldn’t keep the words from falling from her lips. “What’s the product?’
Marcus grinned, a sinister look that sent chills down Brooke’s spine.
“Infants. My product is infants. My preference is to offer pure stock made between a man and woman, but sometimes the customer prefers a child conceived from their sperm. In that case, we offer a wide variety of women here to meet that request. And should none of that be available, well let’s just say I have other resources at my disposal to make things happen. No customer is ever turned away.” Marcus finished touring her around the lab by stopping at the side of one of the stainless steel tables.
“You sell babies…” Brooke’s whispered reply wasn’t a question, but a confirmation of what she was hearing. Selling babies, kidnapping women—it was unthinkable; unbelievable. How something like that could be in operation and no one knew about it, was beyond Brooke’s comprehension.
A man with black rimmed glasses appeared at Brooke’s side, snapping on a pair of latex gloves. Eyeing him warily, Brooke took a few defensive steps backwards.
“Yes, Brooke, I sell babies. The black market is a gold mine if you know how to use it, and infants are a rare treasure. There aren’t many in the world that have the balls to do what I do, which is very fortunate for me.” Marcus grabbed her by the upper arms and lifted her onto the table, halting her subtle attempts at escape. Brooke’s eyes widened in fear as the man in the lab coat approached again, pulling a set of metal stirrups up from the end of the bed.
“Now, I should have done this first, but I must admit—my appetite for you got the best of me. I’m anxious to have you start producing.” Brooke felt light-headed at his words. Producing…he wanted her pregnant.
“No, please. You can stop this right now and just let me go. Please, I—I want to go home,” she begged.
Marcus continued, ignoring her please. “Dr. Daniels is going to examine you, make sure that all of our information is correct and you are right on course to conceive,” Marcus pushed her back and held her down easily with one hand. “Don’t struggle, that will only incite my temper and make this a worse experience for you than it needs to be, Brooke,” he warned as the doctor unbuttoned her pants and drew them down her legs. Placing each heel in the stirrups, he pushed her knees apart and grabbed an instrument from the table nearby.
“Miss, this won’t hurt…” his words were drowned out by Brooke’s bloodcurdling scream as he thrust the cold speculum inside her.
Gabe Thornton was a complicated man. Known in his hometown for his expert marksman skills, his line of work took him all over the world for travel. When the opportunity came up to travel across the country, he leapt at it. Things were beginning to turn serious between himself and Nora and he couldn’t bear the thought of tying her down to him, if he was having doubts coupled with a desire to travel and see the world.
Nora was, without a doubt, the love of his life. His hesitation to commit to her had nothing to do with his feelings for her, but more to do with his own self-worth. Nora had suffered several shattering disappointments from her so-called family, Gabe couldn’t bear to be one more added to this list of regrets and pain. By allowing himself the time away from Norton Springs, he was able to refine his expertise. His skill with a gun was well-known through most of Texas, but he wanted recognition beyond that. Travelling and taking on intense assignments had helped him build the reputation that he wanted, while coming to terms with the realization that he wanted Nora in his life, in his future—regardless if he was good enough for her or not. The time had come for him to claim the one woman who had always been his.
Pulling his truck into the long driveway of his family home, he killed the engine and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath. Seeing Nora again had just about brought him to his knees. She was damn gorgeous, just as he remembered. Being separated from her for two years had done nothing to dull the slow ache he felt for her—she was his, and he was bound and determined to remind her of that fact. No matter what the cost.
Climbing out of the truck, he headed up the gray stone steps and passed the large round pillars of his sprawling estate. This home had been in his family for generations, a fact he took pride in. While his father had been content in running the family farm–Gabe had no interest in taking over the business. Guns and shooting were his passion, and now that he had picked up the skills he needed to advance himself, he was ready to take over as the chief training officer for the entire state of Texas.
The front door was yanked open before he had a chance to turn the handle. His kid sister, Quinn stood on the other side, a fierce little spitfire at the age of eighteen.
“How is it that you’ve been home for almost an entire day, and no one thought to tell me?!” With a flair for the dramatics, Quinn was the quintessential younger sibling. Everything bad that happened was the end of the world, and if she was slighted in any way, she did not deal with it well. The look of thunder on her face told Gabe that it was one of the moments where she was feeling indignant.
“Quinlan,” he used the nickname that drove her mad on purpose, as the older brother it was his job to torture her. Pinching her nose, he swept her into a bear hug that left her feet dangling off the ground. “I haven’t even seen Mom yet, sweetness. In fact, you’re the only one that’s even happy to have me back.”
His explanation placated Quinn and her face softened as Gabe lowered her back to the ground. “Well of course, I’m happy to have you back, I need you to help me convince Mom and Dad that I’m ready for my own vehicle again. I’m sick of driving the ranch truck to and from town…it doesn’t suit me at all. I’m ready to be responsible this time!” Gabe couldn’t help but chuckle at her argument. Quinn’s driving skills were definitely something to be desired. In her first few months of having her license, the trail of fender benders, speeding tickets and trips to the auto shop were astronomical. Her excuse of “it wasn’t my fault,” got old quick. After taking the bumper off her little sports car in a freak parking accident, their parents had decided it was best if she only drove one of the ranch trucks when absolutely necessary. Gabe had been stuck on the phone for hours—with the receiver held far from his head—while she ranted and raved at the injustice, begging him to be on her side.
“I’m not getting involved in that war. I vouched for you last time and look where that got me. You’ll have to show them you can handle it before they will relent, sweetness.” Quinn pouted, but as was her trademark, switched gears faster than a NASCAR driver.
“So, did you see Nora? Did you hear she’s finally in charge of the ranch?” Quinn was digging for information as much as she was genuinely interested. Gabe knew she loved Nora like a sister and was infuriated when he left town—“fucking everything up,” as she’d called it.
“I stopped by. She wasn’t as thrilled to have me back in town as you are, which isn’t a surprise. But damn, it was good to see that girl.” Gabe sighed and reached up to remove his cowboy hat. Walking into the kitchen, Quinn headed straight for the breakfast bar and hopped up onto it, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, I think you’re lucky that she let you get away without any permanent damage. If you had left me, the way you left her, I would definitely have kicked your ass today. So are you guys getting back together?” Gabe shook his head at his sister’s rapid fire change in topics. Quinn always lived life on fast forward, nothing was ever slow and easy with her –it was fast and often painful. Still, he wouldn’t change a thing about the carefree, passionate way she lived her life.
“First I need to get her to stay in my presence for longer than ten seconds without threatening to cause me bodily harm; but then yes…it’s my intention to get her back where she belongs. With me,” Gabe confirmed. Quinn nodded in agreement.
“Just don’t be a douche about it. Nora still likes the rest of us and if you mess that up, I’ll be pi
ssed.” His sister was always one to give it to him straight.
“Yeah, I got it. Theo already read me the riot act. Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan,” he winked.
Quinn straightened up at the mention of Theo’s name, playing with the ends of her long, curly blonde hair. “Theo? Um, how is he?” Quinn tried to sound nonchalant but knew her brother would be onto her if she asked too many questions. He was suspicious by nature and his over-protectiveness was ridiculous. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice her increased interest in his best friend.
“Good. Gave me shit about staying away so long, but he’s not the first and won’t be the last,” Gabe grinned, showing his teeth.
“Tell him to come by then, been awhile since he’s visited me—uh, us.” Fuck. Way to go, Quinn. Gabe pinned her with suspicious eyes.
“Quinnnn,” he drew out her name.
“What? I’m not a little kid anymore, Gabe. I’ve done things you know. With boys,” she added. Gabe’s jaw ticked at her announcement.
“What boys? Who? Give me their names. You need to be careful, Quinn. And Theo is way too old for you. I mean it. For God’s sake.” Gabe rubbed his hand over his face. She’s doing things with boys? Like fucking hell she is.
Quinn let out an exasperated sigh and jumped off the counter. Stomping through the kitchen, she paused at the doorway and looked back.
“I’m not a child and I can make my own decisions, Gabe. And the sooner you realize that about not only me, but Nora too…well the better off we’ll all be.” Shooting him a dirty look, she left him standing there gaping.
Two women angry at him in the span of a few hours. A new record for me, Gabe thought. Perfect start to reclaiming the life he left behind.
Several hours later, Gabe filed the thousandth piece of paper regarding the ranch and its upkeep. Since his absence, things had lagged behind in several areas. He would need to sit down with his Dad and figure out exactly what was going on and why accounts and maintenance were falling behind. Funds weren’t the issue as the family was quite comfortable, but it seemed more like it was becoming too much work for his parents. Just another issue to sort out now that he was home.
The doorbell rang, jarring him from his thoughts. Stacking his files in a pile, he stood and strolled to the front door, a few feet outside of the main office.
Nora stood on the other side of the Thornton’s door, nervously shifting from foot to foot. Updating Mr. Thornton on the weekly activities close to their property line was a routine she found comforting both as a new ranch owner and as a surrogate daughter. Gabe’s father has always treated her as a daughter and his guidance and mentorship was a relationship she treasured. She wasn’t about to give that up now that his moron son was back in town.
“Please don’t let him answer,” she whispered to herself. Seeing Gabe earlier had thrown her for a loop, and though the probability of seeing him was rather high, she refused to hide out and avoid her everyday life. She’d just give him the cold shoulder. Piece of cake.
The door swung open and there he was, in all his goddamn sexiness, that cocky smile firmly in place. Her core clenched against her will at the sight of his muscular arms stretching the short sleeves of his plaid button down, his strong thighs straining against the denim encasing his legs. His eyes raked over her, dark and intense as he drank her in. Desire was a familiar warmth starting to spread throughout her body as her fingers itched to yank off his hat and sink them into his hair while holding his mouth to hers.
She caught herself raising her hand to do just that and gave her head a quick shake. Snap out of it, Nora.
“I—I’m here to see your father,” her voice was shaky and breathless, a fact that infuriated her. He shouldn’t—didn’t have any affect over her anymore. He’d lost that right. Squaring her shoulders she yanked her resolve back in place.
“We have business to discuss,” she continued. “So I need to come in,” she finished lamely. Gabe nodded and backed up, sweeping his arm out in a grand motion.
“By all means. I assumed you wanted to come in when I found you standing out here,” he teased. Nora’s temper spiked, but she battled it down as she stepped over the threshold and into the foyer. Gabe was less than a foot away and didn’t move to give her more room. His scent filled her nostrils, spicy and familiar.
“Could you let him know I’m here, please?” She could be polite. She had manners and would be civil for the sake of their families. The urge to kick him in the balls hadn’t completely overtaken her. Yet.
“Mmhmm,” he replied, not moving an inch. Her breathing increased and she stared at him wide-eyed as he leaned around her to shut the door, his hat rustling her hair.
Their faces were inches apart; it felt as if Nora had been sling-shot back in time. Their connection had always been full of passion and electricity and it was evident that hadn’t changed. Gabe was her entire world, she loved him with such force—it nearly broke her when he left. Learning to live without him had been unbearable, the pain threatening to crush her soul, but she had survived and was stronger for it. Never would she allow her heart to be that vulnerable again to a man.
Gabe turned his head slightly and inhaled her, his nose touching her ear in a light caress. It would be so easy to give in; to fall back into their old routine. Her body was screaming at her to acquiesce; her mind refused to let go of the past. Pushing against his chest, she moved away to gain some distance.
“Stop—” Gabe’s lips crashed down on hers, silencing her. His lips were smooth and skilled as they slid over hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her up to her toes, fitting her body against his. A light swipe of his tongue had her sighing involuntarily and opening to allow him access. His tongue swooped inside to tangle with hers in a dance of pure passion. He tasted exactly how she remembered; spice, sex and hers. Except he wasn’t hers, not anymore.
Pulling away once again, she stuck out a hand to stop him from coming any closer. Panting, tears pricked the back of her eyes.
“Nora. Baby, I fucked up. I know that and I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am. You need to know that I’m back for good…I’m going to fix this, Nora. There’s nothing I want more in this world than to have you back in my arms. You belong there,” Gabe reached out and caught a tear at the corner of her eye.
A part of her wanted to believe him, to believe that they could repair the damage done to their otherwise perfect relationship. But the past couldn’t be undone and Nora’s heart simply couldn’t forgive the betrayal.
“Gabe…” she began. Quinn appeared at the top of the stairs and interrupted Nora’s words with a squeal as she shot down the stairs like a bullet.
“Oh my God, you two. You’ll never believe it, Jane just texted and told me there has been another abduction and—and a murder! Brooke Spencer is missing—you know, from down at Dr. Mills’ office? And I can’t believe it, but Mary! You know Mary that owns the bakery, she’s dead. Dead! This is so scary,” Quinn spilled the info in a rush, barely pausing to take a breath.
“Abductions? Murders? What are you talking about? And what the fuck do you mean by ‘another one’?” Gabe was incredulous as he looked between the two of them, waiting for an answer. Nora raised an eyebrow at him.
“You don’t know about what’s been happening around here?” Nora was surprised, given her earlier conversation with Theo. Gabe shook his head no and crossed his arms over his chest. “One of you better explain right now,” he ordered.
“For fuck’s sake, Theo,” she muttered under her breath. She’d been a sucker to him again. Sighing, she looked up at Gabe. “We better go sit down.”
Brooke lay in the center of the huge king-size bed staring up at the ceiling. The events of the past few weeks seemed like a dream, as though they hadn’t really happened to her. She was under a fog, and as long as she didn’t lift it, she could float along in her bubble of denial. Life had become a routine of visits to that horrifying white lab where
she was poked and prodded, filled with injections and constantly told that everything was right on track for her first contribution at her new job. She was positive they were drugging her somehow, as her desire to fight had dimmed; she was much more compliant.
Marcus visited her frequently, sometimes to chat as though they were friends and other times to yank down her pants and drive his cock into her repeatedly. He got off on catching her off guard, one minute he would be commenting on the weather or relaying an inconsequential fact from his work day, the next he would be bending her over or tossing her onto the bed. He was extremely satisfied when he managed to bring her to orgasm. “A perk of the job,” he called it. He reveled in her shame and was infuriated when he finished and she hadn’t reached climax. She had the bruises to show just how he felt when she “underperformed.”
Milo was also a constant worry. He lurked in the shadows like a stalker waiting to pounce on its prey. A confrontation with him was looming on the horizon, Brooke could feel it. Greta had become like a doting mother. Always ensuring she was bathed and dressed in one of the beautiful outfits from the closets, she often held Brooke’s hand when she cried and murmured to her to stay strong. Brooke both loved the comfort she offered her and loathed her presence. Her refusal to help her escape kept Brooke’s guard up around her at all times.
The door opened and closed and Brooke felt the weight on the bed beside her shift. “Good morning, beautiful girl.” Marcus’s smooth voice greeted her.
Rolling over, she gave him her back; trying to ignore him. Marcus was having none of that. Yanking her hair in a vicious manner, he pulled until she rolled onto her back once again. “That’s not an appropriate greeting for your employer, Brooke,” he scolded her, not loosening his grip on her hair. A bit of Brooke’s old fire licked up her spine at his words.